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skydive insurance

While there are plenty of life insurance companies and agents out there that stick their fingers in their ears when a client starts talking about their weekend hobby. The truth is there is an affordable and prudent way to approach the subject of life insurance for those that enjoy the thrill of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. <a href="">skydive insurance</a>

There is no escaping the fact that skydivers, whether recreational or insanely professional, are going to pay an additional mortality cost (flat extra) if they want to be covered for that avocation along with everything else. I think where some people get hung and and eventually just take an exclusion or bag life insurance altogether is the idea of your life insurance having to be all one way. There is this hangup about it either all covering skydiving or none of it covering skydiving. One direction ends up too expensive and the other, well, just not prudently covered.

For the truly recreational, 50 jumps or less per year, most companies are going to charge a flat extra of $2.50 to $3.00 per thousand per year. This is about as low as it gets for what companies call dangerous hobbies. That amount increases with the number of annual jumps with some companies going to $5.00 per thousand over 50 jumps and $7.50 per thousand over 100. Things start getting a little dicey when you are bailing out more than 200 times a year. This is truly recreational. No stunts. Just enjoying the scenery.

So let's put that into perspective for a 30 year old guy whose wife has told him he is now a father and if he wants to skydive he needs life insurance to cover. He should have had it before she asked, but he's a guy! We'll assume great health, non smoker, good family history. Marching orders from the Mrs are to find it and don't come home with less than $250,000.