From Cliquesoft
Revision as of 11:54, 16 October 2012 by Digitalpipe (Talk | contribs)

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This project allows for a plethora of uses, but initially it was constructed to help with managing lottery pools as well as providing a paper trail for the tickets of each pool.


The terms and conditions of this project are outlined at the homepage using the appropriate link at the bottom of the site.

Privay Policy

This is also covered at the homepage using the appropriate link at the bottom of the site.

User Interface

The user interface of this project has been built for easy interaction with everything being accessible within two clicks. The layout is simplistic with all navigation links at the top or bottom of the screen. For an indepth overview of each link, please see the desired section(s) below.


This title bar option represents access to the intrasite communication that acutally utilizes one of our other projects, Threads. Instead of going over the details here about the inner-workings of that software, please see our wiki page by clicking here.


Just as the name implies, clicking this option will take you to the homepage of the website which provides you with an overview of the project. This area is information only, just as the terms and conditions and the privacy policy.




Use this option if you want to inform someone you know about this website. Simply fill out the name, email address, and optional comment of the person you would like to have contacted on your behalf. It is important to note that none of this information is stored!


This option takes you to this page of our wiki which allows you additional information about how to use the website.


Before you are able to interact with the website, you must login. Hover your mouse over this title bar option and a sub-menu will be shown to allow you to enter your account credentials. Upon entering the correct information, this option will become the place to logout of the site once you're done.


If you do not have an account, hovering your mouse over this option will display a sub-menu that allows you to create one by filling out all of the information and clicking the 'Create' button. As a confirmation step, an email will be sent to the provided address with a link that will need to be accessed in order to complete the creation of the account.

If you do already have an account, and are logged in, the same sub-menu is displayed, but with populated information. You can update any field by replacing the current value with the new one and then clicking the 'Save' button.


If you like this project of ours, feel free to click any of the items in this sub-menu that intrigue you. Of course if you would like to see our complete list of products and services available for little or no charge, simple head to our software development site


There are currently no frequently asked questions.